Installazione audio-video, Dimensione ambiente
Quest’opera audiovisiva rappresenta il nostro percorso di ricerca nel campo delle installazioni artistiche. Realizzata per l'evento d'arte contemporanea *Cazzotto* (Perugia, maggio 2019), è un'opera site-specific che prende vita da un ristorante dismesso, abbandonato da anni. Abbiamo documentato l'ambiente con foto e video, successivamente elaborati e integrati nell’installazione, composta da tre piccoli televisori VCR incastonati in un muro. L'audio, distinto per ogni video, è un mix di suoni naturali e rumori ambientali, come fuoco, aria e pioggia, registrati sul posto per evocare l’atmosfera desolata e decadente di quel luogo. L'opera mira a trasmettere visioni e suggestioni dell’abbandono.
The work aims to offer a new interpretation of the spatial references we use daily, employing maps from different eras and types. Through the use of antique copper engravings (15th-19th century) from the private collection of Carla Cicioni and Piero Giorgi, alongside modern maps sourced from Google Earth and Google Maps, the collected images are reworked using techniques of engraving and collage to create new spatial visions. The series, titled Cronotopia, investigates the perception of space and time, two central dimensions in our human experience.
The work reflects on the conceptions of space and time that have evolved through the ages: from ancient philosophy, where space was considered three-dimensional and independent of objects, to time viewed as a "counter" of changes, and on to modern visions by Kant, who saw these dimensions as human mental constructs. Finally, the series engages with the scientific revolution of Einstein and his theory of relativity, which unites space and time into a single continuum. Cronotopia traverses centuries of cartographic representations to explore their transformation and their impact on our understanding of spatial and temporal reality.